

Hingham SEPAC Board 

The governing body of our SEPAC is the SEPAC Board. Board Members are elected for one year terms and most have specific roles. We work to ensure the charge of the SEPAC is being fulfilled. If you would like to learn more, please read the bylaws below or reach out to the board at HinghamSepac@gmail.com 

Current 2024-2025 Hingham SEPAC Board members:

Chair: Caroline Farris

Secretary: Margaret Curran

Treasurer: Lauren Davides

Education Coordinator: 

Website Admin & Analyst: 

School Liaison Coordinator: 

Mission Statement & By-Laws

Revised September 21, 2011; As Amended March 8, 2017

In accordance with federal and state special education laws and regulations and in adherence with all the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) directives and advisories pertaining to the creation and functioning of special education parent advisory councils, Hingham Public Schools (HPS) has established and will continue to foster the HPS Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).  HPS authorizes the Hingham SEPAC to be the authorized and designated special education parent advisory council for HPS, Hingham, MA.  Such above-referenced guidelines can be found at the end of this document.  There may be additional advisories later on, but at this time there are no further directives.

Mission Statement

The mission of the SEPAC is to work for the understanding of, respect for, and support of children with disabilities who receive special education services from HPS as follows:


Article I:  Name of Organization

The name of this organization shall be the Hingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council, also known as Hingham SEPAC.

Article II:  Purpose of the Hingham SEPAC

The mission of the Hingham SEPAC is to work for the understanding of, respect for, and support of children with disabilities who receive special education services from Hingham Public Schools (HPS).

​Pursuant to 603 CMR 28.07(4) and 603 CMR 28.03(1)(a)(4), the duties of Hingham SEPAC include but are not limited to the following:

Article III:  Terms of Membership

General membership shall be open to all Hingham parents/guardians of children with disabilities, as well as other interested parties, who reside in Hingham, MA.  Voting membership will include any parent or guardian of a child with a disability residing in or attending school in Hingham, with or without an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan, as well as students aged 18-22 who receive special education services from HPS. 


Article IV:  Officers of the Hingham SEPAC

Officers of the Hingham SEPAC are nominated by the voting membership and/or by the HPS professional staff.  Officers will hold office for one year.  An election will be held to elect officers.  Hingham SEPAC will attempt to include a representative group of officers from across the district.  If any officer position becomes vacant, an election for that position will be held at a special meeting as soon as possible and the elected officer will complete the remainder of the term.  If an officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive monthly SEPAC meetings or a total of four (4) monthly meetings during a term, that position shall be deemed vacant and an election to fill such vacant positions shall occur as outlined herein.  Upon resignation all SEPAC documents will be given to the Chairperson(s).  All officers may have the option to run for re-election.  All resignations must be in writing and delivered to the Director of Student Services and the Hingham SEPAC officers.  There will be no fewer than three (3) voting members assuming the positions of Chairperson or Co-Chairpersons, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Chairperson and/or Co-chairpersons (henceforth “Chairperson(s)”)



Public Relations/Outreach Officer

Additional Positions Appointed by the Officers of SEPAC


School Liaisons (up to ten, one per school, one for out of district,  one for preschool, one for HEF and one for SNAP)


The Officers shall solicit volunteers and appoint a School Liaison at each HPS, one for out of district students and one for preschool students on an annual basis.  Each School Liaison will have the responsibility to serve as a contact for parents in his/her school and to serve as a conduit of information between SEPAC and the school leadership, including PTO.  School Liaisons will make best efforts to attend monthly SEPAC meetings, PTO meetings, school council meetings, back to school nights and for HEF and SNAP liaisons, regular meetings for those organizations.  School Liaisons will convey information in a timely manner pertaining to SEPAC meetings and events in school newsletters and publications.

Article V:  Subcommittees

Subcommittees shall be created as needed.

Article VI:  Elections

Elections will occur in the Spring at the conclusion of an officer’s one-year term on a rotating basis.  The HPS Director of Student Services will maintain the official list of SEPAC officers in the district.  Names of those nominated for election or appointment will be made available to voting Hingham SEPAC members at least one (1) week prior to elections.  All voting members and HPS professional staff are eligible to make nominations in writing to Chairperson(s) or their designee.  Nominees shall be voting members and shall either accept or decline prior to the election.  A volunteer will be recruited from the voting membership at a Hingham SEPAC meeting for the temporary position of Nomination/Election Coordinator.  The Nomination/Election Coordinator will coordinate activities necessary to complete the election. The Nomination/Election Coordinator will prepare, tally ballots, and inform the Director of Student Services and the SEPAC board of the election outcome.  Upon election results will be posted and newly elected officers will assume their positions immediately.

Article VII:  Voting Membership Quorum/Procedure

A quorum of no fewer than 3 SEPAC Officers must be present at the time of voting for any motion to be adopted. Only those voting members in attendance may vote.  Election shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the voting membership subject to the presence of a quorum. 

Article VIII:  Meetings

Meetings are open to the SEPAC membership and may include guests invited by the SEPAC officers.  There will be no fewer than five (5) Hingham SEPAC meetings during the school year.  The school district is required to hold at least one workshop annually on the rights and responsibilities of parents/guardians and students in special education and the SEPAC officers shall cooperate with the district to hold that workshop. Reasonable attempts shall be made to notify the membership of all meetings including the time, location, and a proposed topic(s) for the meeting.   Separate from the membership meetings, SEPAC officers will also regularly meet with the Director of Student Services.  

Article IX:  Funds

The HPS Director of Student Services will update SEPAC concerning regulation revisions and DESE advisories.  HPS will demonstrate to DESE its collaboration and support of the SEPAC through the DESE Coordinated Program Review.  SEPAC will adhere to all municipal, state, and federal requirements including open meeting law, conflict of interest, and ethics regulations.  SEPAC funds will be deposited with and held as a separate account by the Town of Hingham’s Accountant until use by the SEPAC. 

Article IX:  Meeting Procedure

Meetings and procedures for this organization will follow the Robert’s Rules of Order (latest revision).

Article X:  Amendments to By-laws

These by-laws may be amended by a vote of the simple majority of the voting members at any SEPAC meeting provided that written notice of the proposed amendments is given prior to the meeting. 

The DESE advisory and DESE Guidelines concerning special education parents advisory councils may be viewed at:  http://www.doe.mass.edu/sped/parents.html